The order is issued asynchronously through a message queue, since a real telecommunications order may take several days to complete if it involves physically provisioning equipment at a network level. 订单是通过消息队列异步发送的,因为真实的电信订单如果涉及在网络级别实际配置设备,那么可能需要几天的时间才能完成订单。
A specific request for data, instructions, characteristics of states of switches, position in a queue, etc., while the equipment is computing or processing. 在设备进行运算或处理时,对数据、指令、开关状态特征以及队列中的位置等信息的一种查询。
Use Queue Theory Mode to Optimize the Quantity of the Support Equipment 利用排队模型优化保障设备数量
TELECOM-60 Integrated Special Services Queue Equipment: Functions and Software Implementation 特服业务综合排队器TECOM&60的功能及其软件实现